This form is reserved for conventions, events & brands who would like to hire Cin for a range of services including but not limited to appearances, judging, panels, tutorials, and reviews.
She also offers custom costume and prop builds for commission, videos, promotions and more.
Please use this form to send an email if you would like to get in contact!

Some Options:
- Judge cosplay contests
And help select the winners among all the amazing contestants
- Host panels about cosplay crafting
With my knowledge and experience I help inspire event visitors to start cosplaying too.
- Cosplay crafting content
Allow people to fall in love with your new characters by seeing the passionate crafting project progress.
- Product reviews
Reviewing a featuring your product on my social medias.
- Event Promotion
Have me as a guest for your after party or other cosplay event, to promote and interact with attendees.
Here are some of my options, feel free to share your companies ideas.